Mad Father Game For Free This Gaming
In Northern Germany 11 year-old Aya Drevis, lives with her parents, Alfred and Monika Drevis, and their maid Maria. Stocked each day with new free games, including. Have fun playing our mad father collection Welcome to Game.bz, play your favorite game online right now This is the best place on the web to play games for free This gaming site is suitable for kids and the whole family. Do you like to play mad father We listed the best addicting games online Play them for free on Game.bz.
Take control of protagonist Aya, making use of the items you find as you proceed through the story.Taking place one year later on the anniversary of Monika's death, Aya awakens at midnight to find that her home has been inflicted with a curse that her mother imposed, and that the victims of Alfred's experiments have come to life due to this curse. It features new cutscenes and artwork.Game ini Juga termasuk game Anime/manga based gitu looh,liat aja di artwork nya :3 Jadi seperti biasa.Game Mad Father memiliki gameplay yang sama dengan kedua game tersebut,dan tentu saja game ini juga memiliki Storyline yang bagus , Storyline: Mad Father stars a young girl, named Aya, who is the daughter of a scientist and a beautiful woman who sadly passed away.This is an exploration based horror adventure game. A Steam remake, published by AGM Playism, was released on 23 September 2016. It was released on 10 December 2012. When Aya is 10, Monika suddenly passes away from what Aya believes was her illness.Mad Father ( Maddo Faazaa) is a RPG Maker puzzle-oriented horror game by Sen. Neither Aya or Monika are aware of the true extent of Alfred's research, but both accept it out of their love for Alfred.
Mad Father Game Software Download Filed
She's very devoted to her parents, even though she's aware of her father's actions. Mad Father is a very special adventure, where you control a little girl who, after a few accidents in his mansion, realizes that something is wrong with her father.The preteen daughter of Monika and Alfred Drevis. A weird horror game made with WOLF RPG. The review for Mad Father has not been completed yet, but it was tested by an editor here on a PC. She must explore the depths of Alfred's laboratory, a man of which who may not be exactly what he seems.Mad Father is a freeware software download filed under adventure games and made available by Sen for Windows.
Translated by vgperson.Aya's father, a brilliant but unhinged scientist. Mad Father is a freeware horror adventure game by Sen (of Miscreants Room) made in WOLF RPG Editor. After her experiences in the story, she'll learn to understand the pain and feelings of other people, like her father's victims or Maria.Mad Father 2.08 Full Version.
She used to be homeless orphan and Alfred was originally going to experiment on her, but he changed his mind when she proved herself to have high medical skills. He gets kidnapped by the spirit of his wife, forcing Aya to save him.Alfred's assistant. His solution was to turn people into living dolls.
The player can choose whether or not to grant her wish to kill her husband or to save Alfred and lose Monika.A mysterious man whom informs Aya about the curse. Aya seems to rescue Alfred from her. Neither Monika nor Aya liked her because of her affair with Alfred, though Aya learns to care and sympathize with her after finding out about her past and why she's so devoted to Alfred.A beautiful, enigmatic woman who died prior to the start of the game, only to return as a spirit and capture her husband.
Maria, who will be returned herself, will be horrified to hear the doctor is dead. It's also revealed he was killed by Alfred, but Monika brought him back to life so he could protect Aya.If Aya chooses to grant Monika's wish and kills Alfred, she will be returned to the human world. He interacted with Aya a few times, but she doesn't remember him at all, until he sees his memories. The 2020 Nintendo Remake reveals he was an orphan taken by Alfred so he could be experimented on. He occasionally shows up to help Aya. He is the one who helped Monika place the curse.A seemingly undead boy that Aya encounters in the mansion.
Apparently Alfred was worried by how Aya had the same murdering tendencies as him, so he decided to kill her and make her into a doll in order to keep her pure forever. Aya and her father will be returned to the lab where Monika's ghost shows Aya how she died. He will have her propped up on a chair in the doll room, wearing a nice dress.If Aya chooses to save Alfred, Monika will disappear. She states that she will continue doing the doctor's experiments, starting with Aya herself.If Aya chooses to save Alfred, but doesn't help Maria, he will succeed in killing her. Instead Maria knocks Aya and drags her back to the laboratory.
Alfred proceeds to chase Aya with a chainsaw. No longer feeling the need to feign ignorance, Aya's father reveals to her what he had been doing all this time: turning humans into dolls via taxadermy and plans to do the same to Aya. Shocked by the revelation, Aya will start crawling away from her father and hit a container, holding her mother's corpse.
Ogre will then approach Alfred's corpse and take him to his realm. As the mansion is set on fire, he places a kiss on Aya's forehead in reference to the good luck charm her mother gave her. Aya's father will prepare to strike Aya when Maria shows up and throws knives at him, Just as Maria is comforting Aya, the doctor will try once more to kill Aya, but Robin will kill him and order Maria and Aya to leave the mansion and start anew. If the player chooses to save Maria, she will temporarily join Aya until they reach a long hallway.Aya will run off without her and, just as she's running away, will be held down by another doll. Aya will hide under a tarp and Alfred, out of frustration, will strike Maria down and storm off.

After clearing the game, the title screen will be to a picture of Aya. Maria wants to get revenge on the woman who gave her the apple, but Aya tells her to forget about the incident. At that moment, Aya wakes up from the dream. Alfred wishes her happiness and disappears. Aya hugs him and says that while she understands his motivations now, she'll continue killing people and he has to accept it. However, she remembers she still has Maria waiting for her, so she confronts him.
An article in the Steam shop for Mad Father and the game files for the 2020 Remake reveal his true name. The name stuck and was later added to his bio in the endgame material but was taken away in later updates. The fans named him Dio, after the character from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. Robin didn't have a name in earlier versions of the game.