Launch X431 Pro 5 Pro Mini Diagnostic
Comprehensive and conclusive starting and charging system analysis to determine related faults/issues.Launch X431 PRO Scanner. Ability to monitor the battery health status to identify batteries that are not optimally performing within specs. Adding to its compact and practical usability is Bluetooth wireless technology that is able to sync with smart phones (both Android and IOS) and Launch Diagnostic Scan Tools. Reviews: 123454 Reviews Download Manual: Download PDF.The Launch BST-360 enables the user to identify charging system issues accurately and timely. The PRO 5 also supports the HD3 Truck module and Launch ADAS and ADAS Dynamic system as options.launch x431 pro mini diagnostic tool for cars. The new Launch X431 EURO PRO 5 PLUS runs on Android OS 9.0, and offers a wide range of test functions along with a number of special functions including a fully integrated version of the Haynes PRO Electronic module.
Please turn off all electrical components, including car lights, radios, air conditioners, etc.Tap “Confirm” to start the engine to test.Then ,have start duration and start voltage, it shows low starting voltage.Tap ” Other Modules” , then “Toolbox”, then “Battery Tester”, then “BST360”, then “Charging Health test”.Tap “Confirm” to start the engine before testing to make sure it has started.Tap “Confirm” to increase the speed to 2500 rpm and keep it for 5 seconds.Finally, get the normal ripple voltage (18.00mV)Operation: tick off the newest battery test report and have the detection results in PDF.And you can send to everywhere via Bluetooth.That’s all. There is also AGM Start / Stop battery, GEL battery, EFB battery. And ready to communicate with X431 PAD V via Bluetooth.Operate on X431 PAD V, tap ” Other Modules” , then “Toolbox”, then “Battery Tester”, then “BST360”.Next is to show BST360 tester functions one by one.The next step is as the same as use Launch BST360 on phone:Choose the Battery type: common battery. How to use Launch BST360 on X431 PAD V?Clip the BST360 tester to the car battery.
How to use Launch X431 PAD V and X-Prog3 to virgin Benz used ECU ME9.7 & TCU 722.