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Learn more at GrassrootsVegan. Her goal is to help vegans, regardless of their health or dietary obstacles, live their values with joy, not fear. Navigating gluten-free dining at home and at restaurants can be especially difficult for vegans because gluten.She has dealt with multiple food sensitivities and chronic digestive issues and understands firsthand the challenges of living with dietary restrictions. Learn how to prepare delicious gluten-free vegan baked goods,soups, hearty salads, gravies, main dishes (even pizza.In addition, many other vegan foods may be contaminated. Best-selling vegan cookbook author Jo Stepaniak, who has firsthand experience dealing with multiple food sensitivities, shares over 70 of her favorite recipes and offers valuable tips for eating safely without gluten. Navigating gluten-free dining at home and at restaurants can be especially difficult for vegans because gluten-containing proteins and grains are a common focus of a plant-based diet.In addition, many other vegan foods may be contaminated with gluten during processing or handling.

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